50 cases of bird flue in Pattaya

50 cases of bird flue in Pattaya

The local authorities in Pattaya have now declared that over 50 people have swine flue in Pattaya. The private school has been closed for a week instead of the tree days.

Most of the new cases come from the nightclub friends and people they meet.

Our guess is that the Thai government now have lost the control of the flue and it will spread with rapid speed in Pattaya and then to the rest of Thailand.

The Thai government has also sent health official to investigate how many people actually have swine flue in Phuket since the local doctor say nobody has swine flue.

The World Health Organization has upgraded its warning to max because there is no stopping of the flue anymore.

The swine flue is not as deadly as the bird flue but is easier to spread.

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