3G In Thailand In Limbo

3G In Thailand In Limbo

Thailand have fallen so much behind its Asian neighbors when it come to internet connections that you might wonder if they should not go for 4G like Sweden and Norway. The Thai government want to halt the 3G auction until the rules is made clear. I will not go in to many details but basically the CAT want loads of money for the license and that money must be taken from somewhere and that somewhere is the customers. Most of the current telecoms companies in Thailand cannot afford the price that CAT wants and maybe companies from outside Thailand will get the license. The only real place you can now have 3G now in Bangkok is in the Paragon shopping mall and if you have True you can walk in to any of the many hotspots but that’s not 3G that’s wifi. Lets hope that the telecoms agencies’ in Thailand will stop thinking about themselves for a while and think about Thailand future as a country and maybe we can have 3G before the rest of Asia will have 4G.

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