21 new cases of Swine flu in Pattaya

21 new cases of Swine flu in Pattaya

Thailand has gone from an easy few cases on the swine flue to now 21 extra cases in one day. After the Thai government took samples in a night club many new cases were found. Two people from Taiwan have visited the club and then given it to the workers in the club.

An international school in Pattaya is also closed down for them to spray the school and see if anymore students are infected.

This will probably affect the even low tourism numbers in Pattaya because the government has lost the momentum to stop it.

The staff in the nightclub was working even if they had the flue and have for sure given it to other people working in other clubs.

The next few days will be crucial to see if Pattaya will be a new Mexico. We would suggest to stay away from Pattaya if you have a bad immune system and no travel insurance.

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